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United Way Golf Scramble at Down River Golf Course

Every year in July the United Way of Bedford County hosts an Annual Golf Scramble event at the Down River Golf & Country Club in Everett, PA. All proceeds from this event go towards helping our local community. Get your team together and come out and support a great cause!

Farmer’s Market

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States

Napoleon Grand Tactique

Old Bedford Village 220 Sawblade Road, Bedford, PA, United States

Pageantry and style of early 19th Century warfare.

Farmer’s Market

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States

Rock the Block

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States

Inclement weather date September 12

Farmer’s Market

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States

Stuff the Bus at Walmart

United Way of Bedford County’s Stuff the Bus Program is a county wide effort to collect items needed for students to succeed in school. We team up with local Bedford County agencies, clubs, churches, and businesses to collect donations and act as collection sites. Items that are donated are shared among Bedford County School Districts [...]

Farmer’s Market

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States

Farmer’s Market

Downtown Bedford 124 S. Juliana Street, Bedford, PA, United States